This year is the year, this year I’ll do this and do that, this year I won’t do this and do that anymore…bla, bla and bla. We all started this year with expectations, from others and from ourselves. We made plans. When the year started, to some, it was looking like ‘the year’ while to some it seemed like the year was still ‘booting’. Some people’s ‘year’ was still booting by April and their year finally started in august but somehow, they managed to achieve more than the person whose year started right on time. Some achieved not so much but are more fulfilled than those who achieved much more. Achievement means different things to different people I’ve come to find out. For me, this year has been very eventful. With numerous ups and downs, happy and sad moments, I’m mainly grateful for life for without life, I wouldn’t have been able to witness all I have. My main goal this year was to learn how to cook jollof rice and I think I’m almost there, you can come and find out. The purpose ...
Conformity doesn't apply to Geniuses. Feel free to think weird in a weird way.