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Life after Death...real or not?

Life after death....hmmmm
     I know we've all heard or read stories about people who lived after they died.
     I'm not talking about reincarnation this time, I'm talking about people who were confirmed dead but were still recognised elsewhere alive, hale and hearty.
     Okay, there was this lady who resided close to my house diagnosed with tuberculosis or something related because she was drying up real bad, might have been Hiv too (just saying), she usually patronised my shop where soft drinks and snacks were sold. She usually bought only pepsi or 7up, as the spirit led her I guess.
     I was very young then and observant too as always so one day she came as usual, bought 7up and left. Not long after she left, I heard that she had died the previous day.
     I wondered how someone could be dead and still buy her usual the next day, I thought it was a strange thing so I never told anyone.
     As if that wasn't bizarre enough, a friend of my mom died and visited us the day after she died. We were all asleep but dad attended to her and just after he told mom she visited, mom got a call informing her about her friend's death the previous day, strange too huh??
     I remember a story my mom told me about her great-grandmother who went to collect her debts from her creditors after she died then sent the money home.
     I've heard of cases whereby the ghost is even doing some kind of business like food selling in another city. Upon discovery of the ghost's identity, the customers of the ghost begins to fear for their safety because they've eaten from a ghost and they don't know what might be at stake.
     One thing however is common to most of these kind of stories and the thing is this, a ghost only appears to people who aren't aware of its death yet and disappears upon discovery.
     Some ghosts according to stories even start new families someplace asides the environment in which they died.
     I'm not sure why it happens but rumor has it that people who die terribly or untimely are the ones who go someplace else after death or appear to people who are not aware of their deaths to say goodbye indirectly or complete something they consider unfinished business.
    Sounds creepy to me too, imagine all the loved ones you've lost in another city living their normal lives, what would be your reaction if you stumbled on them one day?
     Would you like it if they just disappeared as soon as you found them, if they didn't, would you be brave enough to talk to them and tell them how you feel?
     If they disappeared, would this mean that they're gone forever or maybe they just relocated?
     This isn't to say we should start digging into the history of everyone around us to find out who the ghost is, even if you want to take it up as a long term project, what's the point, how can you identify a ghost anyway?
     Assuming you were successful in your research and eventually find out that you've been married to a ghost and even have kids, would your kids be real kids or ghost kids or real ghost kids??
     I don't know though if there really is life after death even after my own experience, I mean, if a ghost is alive, is it still a ghost?

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar

BBM - 2ACA8612


Unknown said…
My reaction if I stumbled on my late dad one day ... I'm sure he's ready to show me where ever he his property that it's hidden to me.. 😎😎
Paul Newton said…
Your ending got me really cracking up as whll pondering. The only ghost I will want to meet is an angel sent by God.
Let the dead remain where they are a beg..I lost my dad when I was 7years...recently I dreamt of him we were in a car together and he was driving. Then we got talking...I felt what it was like to have a father, I told him to look at me and tell me if I am.doing well or not..I asked him if he is proud of me and he gave me a positive answer.

I felt like crying cos I have never had any reasonable chat with him since I was a boy. Finally Sha its his absence that brought out the best in me. So he should remain where he is
Unknown said…
You got me thinking of ghosts. Lol
Unknown said…
You got me thinking of ghosts. Lol
Lol, you want inheritance, goodluck
Awwww, you're very strong, it's a good thing you've accepted the fact that he's never coming back.
Lol, better don't coz there's no point eventually.
Sandra Harrison said…
Lol again(real ghost kids). Anyways, according to the bible, the dead know nothing and can't partake in anything under the sun. But thanks to evil spirits, its real, the relocation and all.
Hmmm, true, thank youu

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