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Mirabel's Dairy

My name is Mirabel Blakewood, I'm 20 years old. My parents died when I was 6 in a car accident on the 25th of July, 2001 and I've been living with Maternal Grandmother until she also passed away when I was 15. I still stay at my Grandmother's till date.

I'm quite tall, I have brown eyes just like my Dad's. I remember it when he used to read me bedtime stories, I would stare deep into his eyes till I fell asleep. I keep a small circle of friends - Jeff, Sarah, Lionel and Amy. We've been friends since we were kids. They've been my family too.

My Grandmother was a very quiet woman, she was a woman of noble mien. She had no friends and she barely spoke to anyone. She would say hello to few people after the service on Sunday then be back to her normal withdrawn self.

There was something my Grandma passed on to me, it's called the Peth spirit. It was passed on to her by her mother when she was dying but my Mum didn't live long enough for it to be passed on to her so it was passed on to me instead when Grandma was dying.

She told me Peth had been in our family for over 100 years and has preserved us but it didn't preserve my parents still, Peth couldn't save them. Grandma warned me though, said Peth is a jealous spirit. She said I shouldn't love too hard or hate too much. That was why she was living a solitary life, she didn't want to lose any more people because that's all that had happened to her since it had been passed on to her. Peth takes away the ones you love because she's jealous and takes away the ones you hate to protect you.

My family came across Peth when they were seeking for protection from a terrible disease that struck the land, Peth kept them from been afflicted by the disease as it destroyed some generations. My Great Grandparents didn't want their lineage to end so a friend introduced them to a Seer, a Peth Worshipper. The price for our protection was not loving too hard or hating anyone so much because Peth is jealous and protective.

I'm confused, I don't want to lose my friends. They are the only ones I've always been with, they've been my family especially now that Grandma is gone.I lost my first and only boyfriend two years ago, he died mysteriously but I know it was Peth and I cannot tell anyone else Peth would take me. I've been feeling unquiet and alone ever since.

I've been trying my best to detach myself from my friends but they keep sticking around because that's what families do. They don't understand and I can't explain it for both our sakes. I'm like a plague that should be avoided but people don't know it yet.

Last week, one guy in church walked up to me, said he liked me and wants to be friends. I told him okay so he won't think I'm a snob but I knew I'd have to start avoiding him to keep him safe because I like him already and I know where our friendship could lead. I don't want to lose him, at least if I won't have him, someone else should but definitely not Peth.

I'm leaving soon, I don't know where I'd go but I'm leaving. I can't stay here and act like a stranger towards everyone I've known all my life, it's better I go someplace else, some where no one knows me and be assured of my friends' safety.

I'm sorry Jeff, Amy, Lionel and Sarah, you guys are all I have and I don't want to lose you. I'm doing this for us, I wish I could say a proper goodbye because by the time you find this diary, I'll be dead because you already know about Peth but I don't care if I die anymore as long as you're alive and well. I know it will take a while before you find this because of where I'm going to keep it but whenever you do, just remember that I love you and I miss you as much as you miss me. Whatever happens to me is not my fault, it's all because of Peth.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2ACA8612


Paul Newton said…
Awwwwww....this is touching but if I may say...this is not some foriegn movie which watch repeat itself, its really happening in this life.

Although there is surely a way out and it is the Gods way. The Jesus way. The strongest and mighty way that Peth itself will scream running like a baby.

If only Mirabel knew who this special llving father is, by now her mother and the rest would be alive, saved and healed.

One nothing I know for sure is that we shouldn't take anything into our hands cos we have no power to do anything without Christ. Let's seek his face in everything we do
Mr Fantastic said…
You deserve an award
Yes oo @ Newton, if people who experience things like this know God, their lives would be terror free, @Mr Fantastic, thank youuu *bows*

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