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About August 26th, 2014

My last birthday was the same date as today, 26th August. Everyone around me at the time didn't know this story because there was no point as God made it possible for me to carry out my heart desire. Let me not forget to mention that during this period, I was still serving my country (NYSC) in Asaba, Delta State. The ministry (Directorate of Youth Development) under which I was serving provided a quite comfortable accommodation for the corpers' under them myself inclusive, hence a corpers' lodge.

I won't call myself an introvert but yea I'm close but mostly, I am who I am depending on who I'm with. I could a talkative if I'm comfortable with you or as the spirit leads. Don't let me bore you with this as this isn't my autobiography.

My Humble Self (a throwback pic tho)
So back to my story. Few days to my birthday, I was at a village called Umutu not so far from Asaba, like an hour or thereabout, visiting my friend Tope. Tope was like my camp twin, we were together most times and she was smallish like me and so the end of the three weeks on our Issele-uku camp wasn't the end of our friendship as we took turns to visit each other from time to time since we weren't posted to the same city. It was my turn to visit and so there I went, enjoying myself with a lot of peace that I hardly got at my lodge due to conflicting interests, gossiping, bla bla. I wasn't supposed to have CDS (Community Development Service) group meeting that week but suddenly my roomate called saying we had. I belonged to the tourism CDS group and we held our meetings every tuesday, so she called on monday afternoon/evening. I had to leave Tope's place as soon as I could to attend CDS else trouble with NYSC which I tried very hard to avoid. Tuesday was the 26th, my birthday buy we're still talking about monday the 25th. Prior to my visit to Tope's, I already promised my roomate and two other people I was cool with that I'd take them out on my birthday (they didn't force me to say it o), that was how I put myself in trouble because Angela playfully reminded me regularly.
Osaru (CEO Style by Abby)
Okay, I got back to my lodge around eight pm if not later with only 600 naira (Shey 600 can even take me out not to talk of like 3 extra people, except if we wanted to take a stroll sha). I had a plan in mind however should incase I couldn't take them out (not like I was praying for a miracle) to run away on that day to Osaru's place and come back the next day with an excuse I hadn't thought of. Osaru was about the only female friend I had in Asaba and she lived close to me and alone too. I had the key to her place so I could be there even when she wasn't, that was another escape from my corpers' lodge wahala.

10pm, 11pm, 12pm, 12:01am and it was 26th August already, 1:00am, 2:00am... I slept though not like I was checking the clock all night. I woke up around 7am, I had to prepare for CDS. Roomie said happy birthday then reminded me of my promise to take them out, I said "chill na, Shey it's till evening" with plan B in mind because I didn't want to explain why it might not be possible. Then the miracle happened, my Brother called, he was living with my Aunt who's a cosmetologist in Abuja, so he said "Aunt Moji is sending you 5k for your birthday", then I spoke with her thanking her but even she didn't know how weighty her act of kindness was. It was like one who had won a lottery, from 600 to 5,000.
Aunt Moji(Cosmetologist with a difference)
As if that wasn't good enough, someone else sent me 2k. I got airtime gifts too and so yea, I didn't have to initiate plan B since plan A was going to workout though there was going to be a slight change in plan. This was because allowee wasn't paid yet so it was going to be wise of me to keep some of the money for my survival, hence, suya and drinks instead of shawarma and drinks.

I took some pictures before we went around 8pm. I, Jumoke, Angela, and Linda. Osaru said she'd come meet us at the venue (Y2K pub) as she lived not far from it. Not long after we got there, Osaru joined us and we were just talking especially about the deejay. The deejay was playing romantic songs on my birthday night but I won't take it from him so up I stood in search of this guy who was trying to make us fall asleep. My first attempt failed because I couldn't find him but when I finally did, he concurred immediately and as if feeling the same way, other people began to dance to the music to the extent that some even stood up to dance. I'm not a dancer or let me say, I don't know how to dance, I can only go left-right and that's it but I love watching people dance, it gives me joy especially on a day like that. While all these went on, one of the instructors at work came to join us and paid for another round of smirn off ice/snapp and suya(another miracle) and left not too long after as he had somewhere else to be. Memory card crashed else should have shown you pictures.

Big headed bro and I 
All the aforementioned wouldn't have been possible without God who made me live long enough to see that day and also long enough to tell the story so I'm saying Thank You Lord. Also, Thank you Aunt Moji for letting me have a good day without even realising it. Thank you to my roomie, Linda, Jumoke for being there to celebrate with me. Thank you Osaru for being there for me even when you don't know it and most importantly, Thank You, Yes You who is reading this, without you I wouldn't be here. Next year, we would again talk about the events of today if Jesus tarries. I Love You.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2ACA8612


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