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To 'Miss Girlfriend-Housewife'

Dear OTTH readers, I hope our week is going on as planned because mine is even better than I expected. Few days ago, I was chatting with Bola, one of the sweetest hearts I know and one thing led to another till it eventually led to me writing this right now. She actually made me write this but then I thought about it and I felt it should be written and if possible, stapled on the brain of every female in Nigeria especially the ones in the universities. Please allow me vent in this article because it's quite painful when you see certain things happening without anyone feeling there's something wrong with it. You're probably wondering what it was that we discussed but not to worry, you'd know in a bit.

How would a female who God has created wonderfully and fearfully and in his own image for the purpose of doing exploit, going places her generation has never been to, pack all her things(or most of them) and go live with her boyfriend? It beats me beyond reason and please don't dare call it love. Speaking from experience, not mine obviously, but I've seen it happen live and the reason behind it is known to only the parties involved. You're dating someone so because the love was abi still is "sharking" you and the guy, you guys now decided that it's time you move in, as what???? You're moving into the house as what? I don't understand, permanent girlfriend? Or permanent sex partner? Or house-girlfriend? All these titles aren't even sexy enough for me to want one.

So you move into his house, clean his house, wash his clothes, cook his food and not just his food o especially if he has a lot of friends so you turn yourself to a caterer and cook party food for everyone on a regular basis in the name of being in a relationship. As if that is not bad enough, you become a sex freak because anywhere and anytime the "konji" catches you both, all you need to do is run home and do the needful. Some girls even follow the guy everywhere he goes as if they won't still sleep in the same house that night (monitoring spirits). Your parents gave you 150k to rent your own place or maybe they're not so rich so they just paid for you to stay in the school hostel but because there'll be no "freedom"(however you define it though), you can't stay. You don't even take your studies seriously anymore forgetting that that's why you were sent to school or weren't you told to remember the child of whom you were when you were leaving for school? Did you suddenly get to school and forgot your background? Even if you're rich, so what? When did money start buying integrity and wasted energy and time?
The funniest part is that some of these girls are the ones who actually feed, clothe and do all sorts for the guy and some of these guys would still go out and be with other girls while you wait in the house patiently like a fool or probably be with your friends thinking about what he's doing wherever he is. Some of these girls would even desert all their friends who seem to be telling the truth because they believe the friend is jealous or just doesn't like the guy.

I just want to know, what is your gain? What is your motive behind all these? Where's your respect, your dignity? Have you forgotten that you're beautiful? Have you forgotten why you were created? Have you forgotten that time wasted can't be regained? Have you forgotten that beauty fades hence the body should be properly taken care of not used all the time for sex and other forms of hardwork? Do you think at all? Like once in a week? If you do, is he worth it? Even if he is, will you die if you don't live with him? What's wrong with creating little space between you two? Even if you'll see each other everyday, must you live together? Think about it, are you happy with the way you're living your life? Are you proud of yourself, would your parents be proud of you?, would God be proud of you?
Why not place more value on yourself than you already are? If you feel inseparable with someone and you're sure he feels the same way, then you guys should work on a permanent solution which is marriage but that's if he's even interested then. Besides, why would you even limit yourself that way? I don't understand still. Some guys would even beat the girlfriends they live with but the girls would still try to make excuses for them. It breaks my heart everytime I see things like that happen because you're too beautiful to live that kind of life, just too beautiful and I'm not speaking physical beauty this time. You're wife material not just a sex object. You deserve the best man in the world who would love you endlessly and that best man just doesn't sound like the one who you presently live with. Kindly move out when you deem fit but let it be as soon as possible so your brain can function properly when you don't have too many things to do at once. If this isn't for you, please share with others. If it is for you, kindly share with others too.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2ACA8612


Jerrey said…
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Jerrey said…
nice piece, very informative as well. I hope our girls get to learn from it as you have rightly advised.
Unknown said…
Nice one dear..proud of u always
Anonymous said…
Anu, what you don't understand is that these girls are better than sexually simulated serial daters like u, U who before the age of 25 have had over a 100 dick inside your dirty pussy now want to use this blog to form holy than thou,funny hypocritical bitch
Anonymous said…
You are the biggest coward of the century. You fool! Liar!! If you are so sure of what you say, then come right out and say it. Oh and my name is Amaka. I'm not hiding yeah??
Anonymous said…
So do I know you or do I care even if ur name is Amala, that does not mean I won't say the truth, Anu and I stay in the same area for years and we still do, I practically watched her grow, and when I say she has no moral right to judge such topic or others here, know I really know what I am saying, pots calling kettle black is actually the reason our country is still under-civilized, so miss whatever you name is, and before you start acting like an attack bulldog, I know her more than you, we see each other practically everyday at our neighborhood, so that gives me more insight into what I shared.
Anonymous said…
You are just a bitter coward who goes about spreading filth and yes it's me amaka.

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