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Something Deep You Must Read

Dear OTTH readers, I hope we're fine because I've never been better. Some weeks ago, I got "led" to writing something about rapture so I said I'll do it later then it skipped my mind(the power of procrastination, lol) but on friday, as I stood waiting for my bus to arrive, something told me it's time to write about it and that I must do it at that moment. Nevertheless, I had to wait for the bus to arrive so I could type without looking left and right for fear that my phone might be snatched. I'm not here to write about the vision I didn't see, I'm just a keyboard for these words aren't from my own brain.

Growing up as a christian wasn't really a spiritual thing for me, it was more of religion but I was actively involved in church activities and even represented my church in other churches for competitions like bible quiz and the likes and it was fun. Then I used to read my bible regularly, I was a God-Child. This is not to mean that I never did silly things as a child, I did a lot of them but most times, I had to beg God for forgiveness even as a child. As time went on, I stopped reading my bible and didn't even involve myself in church but it didn't seem so different from when I used to. I still loved God and asked him for favors which he did. I was very grateful too and I still am, I'm the kind of person who would thank God for a new top, a new shoe, whatever thing anyone else might take for granted has always been a bigdeal for me because I know that someone somewhere has no hope of getting them.

Sometimes I'm hot, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, you know the drill and I'm speaking spiritually not physically. Then whenever I went to church and the topic of rapture or the second coming of Christ comes up, there's always this fear in my heart and many thoughts come to my mind mostly negative and throughout that day, I keep confessing my sins and telling God I don't want to miss it. The feeling lasts for a while until my next sin, conscious or unconscious. Challenges keep coming and God helps me out everytime, believe me, I've been through a lot but thank God we don't look like what we've been through. God has always showed his unconditional love for me notwithstanding my sins. I fell in love with His awesomeness because no human being can stand me the way God can, I can only imagine Him falling in love with someone like me but this love is real, this love is great, I'm short of words already.
As time went on, I found God speaking to me on little things or so I thought they were. I first thought it was my guts but then I realized it wasn't because there are certain things I won't change on a norm. For example, I might be listening to music on my phone and one of my favorite songs comes up and I'm singing along then I hear something say, "change it" and I'm like, "you can't be serious" but the voice comes again and I'm like "*sigh* okay okay" then I give in. That's how it began, many more instances like why I'm writing this right now. I knew I was improving spiritually when I went to church one day and the sermon was about the end-time and you know where that kind of sermon leads, RAPTURE...I wasn't even scared or sober, I was confident like "mehn, can't wait" which wasn't my usual response. I didn't confess that day or even think about one million things and it didn't end there. I decided I was going to start my day with God and end it with Him through studying His word and praising Him. I told myself that if I wasn't going to feed my spirit then I shouldn't feed my body and for someone who likes food, it made me keep my word till date. I'm still very imperfect but I feel His presence all the time and that's all that matters because "one with God is a majority".
Often times, I hear people say they don't believe in God, who is God? Bla bla and even the ones that do sometimes don't believe in giving their tithes and other things I can't even imagine. I don't know what they feel though but I guess experience is the best teacher. The truth of the matter is, God is God whether you acknowledge it or not, rapture will take place whether you want it or not. God doesn't need you to make his decisions because making you was even his decision. You need God more than you need anything in the world, challenges come but those who stand with God scale through and shine. Once you have God in your life, everything is fine and you won't have to worry about going to heaven because when last I checked, heaven is the home of the saints. I don't know who's reading this, maybe it's because of you I'm writing this, maybe you've heard this before but please I want you to read and re-read. Create your own time with God, if it's two minutes in the morning to read a verse in the bible and say thank you Jesus, and do same at night, it's fine. You don't have to go to the mountain to be a child of God, you don't have to be perfect, it's a gradual process. Do whatever you can as long as it gets you closer to God. God bless you for reading and will bless you more for sharing. I love you but God loves you more.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2ACA8612


Unknown said…
Very deep but true. That's the reality. Bless your heart Aanu!
Unknown said…
Bless your insight dear
......we all will not miss out IJN

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