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Who Says There Are No Pervs In Church? Part Two

Dear OTTH readers, hope we're good because I'm very well. Some of my sweet hearted readers has been asking me to complete the story to avoid them dying of anxiety, lol. I love you all and you reading all the stuffs I write whether sensible or not means a lot to me and I promise not to fail you. You can stop blushing now so I can complete the story. If you've not read the first part, please click here to read it for better understanding of this one.

So you remember Pastor Ranti shey? Alright. So he didn't want to stop kissing my neck or un-hug me and you know what they say, violence takes it by force so I detached myself almost immediately and gave him "the look" then we walked towards the gate and he asked why I gave him a side hug the first time, I said I didn't see anything wrong with a side hug. He proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't think he's trying to sleep with me or something that's he's just a very free person, I thought to myself, free person indeed, Awon oniranu gbogbo(flirt). He further told me he was the Pastor of the teens church and they confide in him about the kind of things they do especially sexual stuff and he doesn't judge them because it's no bigdeal and I'm like 'you say?'(in my mind though) but trust me, my face showed no expression, I've trained it. I couldn't help pitying the poor children who won't get the kind of guidance required from their so-called Pastor, it's not like he has to judge or something but put them through, do your job, that's if he's not having sexual relations with any of them sef mchewwwww.

Contrary to how I felt about him, I decided to attend the teens church on his invitation. He told me I looked nice in my black skirt, cream-colored blouse, blue wedge, black bag, natural hair and light make-up(not like I knew how to make it heavy). The service was nice and he even wanted me to assist him with the teens church by making sure everything is organized for the next service so I said I was going to think about it and I told myself that it'd be my last time there because I only saw it as an opportunity to be around me and I wasn't going to let that happen. He called later to confirm my decision and I told him I didn't really like the idea that I'd rather go the main church and be active there so he suggested I see Pastor Precious who's active in the main church as well that she'd put me in the best cell fellowship and introduce me to the right people.

I began attending the main church so I hardly saw Pastor Ranti which was a good thing. I didn't look for Pastor Precious either because I didn't require anyone's help to enjoy serving God but I said hi whenever we saw. I eventually joined the ushering department and I was having a lot of fun in church because I made few friends, went through foundation school and my big headed friend who I met at the NYSC Orientation Camp, Osaru (CEO, Style by Abby) was a very devoted member so I joined her cell fellowship as well. One day, I went to church for something I can't remember, then I sighted Pastor Ranti from where I was since I was upstairs. I had almost forgotten about him so I was happy to see him and he saw me too and beckoned on me to come down which I did then I hugged him (full hug). I was thinking he had changed until he said "the way I'm looking at you now, I feel like counting your teeth one by one with my tongue", I was speechless because I didn't plan for that. I just smiled and let it slide only for him to tell me to come spend the weekend at his place, he has one vacant room, bla bla to which I responded that I would get back to him on that but thank God he never bothered me about that anymore.
Every thing got me thinking about ladies who fall into this kind of situation, and how the men of God who are meant to lead us to Christ are the ones leading us away from Christ. On the long run, it's all about individuality and responsibility. I won't leave a church because one pastor who's not really a pastor is trying to use me to satisfy his sexual needs since he isn't the main pastor of the church, not even a junior pastor, just the teens pastor. If it had gotten out of hand and I wanted to stay committed to the church, I'd have reported him after warning him though but since he didn't push it, I had no issues. We're all human and I won't blame another person for having sexual feelings for another but how you go about it is what makes you a perv or not. To the church pervs especially you who other people are looking up to as a leader and for guidance, please don't let them down. Live an exemplary life, don't approach a church member for sexual reasons, go far far far away because if you talk to one here, one there, eventually the gist would spread and guess who loses face, YOU. You've heard my story, share your story if you've faced something similar and remember, I love you for reading, yes YOU who's reading this.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2ACA8612


Exactly my point Xpanciated, thank you very much for reading.
Kennius Boggs said…
Nice read dear. I was hoping to come across the words "S-L-A-P", but I guess God is good. Keep it up dear.
Lol, I kept the violence for later but luckily for him, it wasn't necessary. Thank You Kenny.

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