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Meet Michael, The "Date" You'd Never Forget 2

I know we all are eager to know the end of this story and believe me, even I, am curious to know the end of this story. If you’ve not read the first part of this story, please click here to do so.

Now let’s continue the gist; so I and Michael kept in touch and he needed a bae not like he didn’t have other choices as a bad guy but I chose to hook him up with one of my single friends Fatima but they didn’t get along well because he believed Fatima was lying about being single since she hardly had time for him so I hooked him up with another bae, Amaka and believe me, you must like Amaka before you can unlike her.  So I gave him strict warnings because you don’t joke with my baes, and I’d go to war for them anytime so he adhered strictly and of course, I was getting feedback from Amaka, she would hide nothing from me including things that should be “shhhhhhh-ed”. So he and Amaka planned to see and just like me, she doesn’t meet people for the first time in their houses. So my nigga told her to travel down from Ogun State to Lekki just for a meet and to come in the evening for that matter.
Personally, anywhere from Ikeja upwards or downwards is far. Permit me to digress a bit but I’m not a fan of Lagos, not one bit. Lagos doesn’t give me the peace I want; too much traffic makes my living in Lagos hard that’s why I pray to God everyday to take me away from this city. That’s why I was surprised when he told Amaka to come to the Island in the evening when there was no agreement between the two regarding her sleeping over. She didn’t go eventually because it didn’t make any sense to us to leave for Lekki at the time. So so so  bla bla, so I spoke with him and told him how I felt which he understood and we were cool. Michael isn’t a problematic person but I just cannot forget him in a hurry for reasons you will get to know as we go on.

Another date was fixed between Amaka and Michael but they had to cancel because the timing wasn’t right. There’s this ‘thing’ I’m working on lately and it required a venue so I spoke with Michael about using his place since it wasn’t so far from mine and I couldn’t use mine for it. Michael said he’d let me know though he had plans on travelling out of the country on the particular day I needed the house but he said to call him the next day which I did. He said he was trying to get someone to clean up the place so I said that wouldn’t be needed since I can go ahead of everyone to clean it up. He said he’d like to paint the place and moreso the air conditioner and television is faulty and I’m like “Dude, all I need is a meeting point, we don’t need to chill” so he said he’d get someone to take me to the house since he hasn’t been there in a while. I called again the next day, he said I should chill and I had just one more day to be sure of a location so I can communicate it to the rest of my friends who was going to be joining me. He implored me to understand that he had other things on his mind as well asides the favor I was asking him and what topped the list was his travelling out of the country so I said I understood. The night before the day I needed the place, I initiated plan B since his plan wasn’t forthcoming but prior to initiating plan B, I called him and he said he was still trying to get to the guy who would bring me the key so I told him not to worry that I already had another option that he could have a safe trip.

When I saw Amaka the next day and we had our normal gossip and of course, it got to his turn and I told her everything then she told me what shocked me, one of the things that inspired me to write this; she told me that he travelled to Ghana, apparently Ghana was his “travelling out of the country” he had been talking about. I was disappointed to be honest because I actually thought he was travelling to the UK or US, you know, actual abroad, lol. For someone like me who schooled in Benin Republic which most people refer to as an extension of Nigeria, I hardly see countries like Benin Republic, Ghana, Togo bla bla as “abroad” but my nigga made me believe that he was going through a lot planning his trip out of the country to think about my issue.

As a result of this reason and many other reasons I’m not going to mention in this write-up, I and Amaka nicknamed him “money no be problem” because he gave us that impression almost everytime either of us chat with him. Let me stop the story here, amebo, see them, they want me to continue. Sorry to disappoint y’all, this is the last part. If something comes up to inspire the continuity of this story, trust me I’d let us know as soon as possible.

So I guess I should be travelling abroad one of these days to chill after all Cotonou sef na abroad according to money no be problem. Don’t mind me jare, I’m just teasing. I love you so much for reading and I’m sure we’ve all had funny experiences with the opposite sex, just incase you want to share your story with us, you can always mail us at and it shall be posted as long as its something out of the blues.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
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