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Meet Michael, The "Date" You'd Never Forget

I’ve met guys and I’ve met GUYS but that’s not all, I’ve also met gUyS. So I guess you’re beginning to imagine stuff yeah? Lol, I thought as much. Even the males can’t lie that they’ve met different kind of ladies and when I mean met, I’m not speaking of long term meetings, I’m talking about dates. We’ve all been on dates and some have been good, some bad, some ugly experiences for us and some, a combination of the three which determines if you’d see your date again.
Meeting people isn’t one of the things I’d say I love doing but once in a while, I just tell myself, hey, why not? Especially when I consider the person to be someone who has sense and wouldn’t be a waste of time but sometimes when I’m less busy or bored and there’s someone who’s been wanting to meet me so I just use that opportunity to meet them. Funny enough, the ones who eventually turn out bad usually don’t sound bad prior to the meeting but when we meet, I see their true color.

I remember my date with Dimeji who kept talking about how much he wanted to kiss me and when I’d give him the chance to do so, bla bla but I didn’t see him again. I also remember my date with Deji  which made a lot of sense as he discussed a lot of real life issues and even shared some personal experiences with me and guess what, I saw him again. I also remember Nelson too, he got me blushing all through(even if na on top lie) but yes, I saw him again and I remember my most recent date with Paul which was super!, we think almost the same way but before Paul, there was Kayode and there was Michael too which is the dude who inspired this write up.
As I mentioned earlier, his name is Michael, works with a bank, 29 years old, tall, plumpy bla bla. Michael and I planned to meet at a popular fast food restaurant not too far from where I live. It was a Sunday and we were to meet around 5pm in the evening. I have to admit that it wasn’t a good evening and it wasn’t nice meeting Michael and you’d know why as I continue this gist.

So Michael kept me waiting for over 30 minutes saying he was on his way and if there’s anything I hate so much apart from hunger and lack of internet, then its waiting for a date. I don’t see why you won’t be on time, like really, I’m a very time conscious person though I won’t mind you waiting for me but I don’t like being the wait-er so back to my story. Michael eventually showed up looking all big wearing a very tight long-sleeved shirt with his big stomach almost coming out of the shirt but its all good since he looked fresh and almost had beards like that of one who belonged to #beardgang. Instead of my nigga to sit facing me across the table, he sat beside me very close not in a way that the chairs were joined but I hope you get the picture.

Before he came though, I already got myself a bottle of malt and of course I had my darling blackberry who stayed my side in times like that especially with the weird set of people I had on my list. The only thing I was bothered about was my time which was being wasted and as they say, time is money so if I wasn’t getting money for my time, I could as well be using it for something else I considered more important. Well, he started asking questions about the school I went bla bla and it was fun as we moved from topic to topic until he began to rub my back, precisely my bra region and I found it very strange but I kept mum. We kept talking and all and I was beginning to believe that he was trying to arouse me but the reason behind this action was what I didn’t understand.

As if rubbing my bra region from behind wasn’t bad enough, he went on to put his hand on the same chair I was sitting just directly behind my butt and I’m like hjgfhjghjghjg? But I didn’t say nothing. I shifted a bit forward so his hand can stay on the bare chair not behind my ass. So we talked on and on and it was over. So we left and he escorted me to where I would get a ‘keke’ home. On our way there, he tried holding my waist and I had to ask “hjghjghjghjg?” and he said he was just being “cool” so he removed his hand then we finally got to where I’d get the ‘keke’. When I got into the ‘keke’, he tried to kiss me goodbye and I was like “gvfhjduiohjsiojgv8irnoiugjirbkfgjiodjgior?” so he said he was just “joking”.

So I was home and then he chatted me up asking what’s up and I told him what’s up but I had to ask what he was trying to do, was he trying to arouse me or what? Then why did he put his hand on the chair?

To be continued....

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2ACA8612.


Anonymous said…
Looking forward to tge sequel. :) yes its me!
Kennius Boggs said…
Hahahahahahahaaaaa.... Girl, you're funny. ""When I got into the ‘keke’, he tried to kiss
me goodbye and I was like
Lol @kennius Boggs, the words to explain how I felt at that moment hasn't been created yet.

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