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Panel Of Judges......

It’s funny how certain people know how everything is supposed to be. They know what is right for everyone, what is wrong for everyone but as long as they themselves were concerned, they were PERFECT. Who makes these rules?  We all know what is right or wrong for other people at some point but some people are all out to impose things on you like it’s their life. I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while now but I didn’t really know how to start until I had a conversation with Lanre, he spoke my mind in words I couldn’t even imagine. That was all I needed, “ginger” like Biola would say. Okay, enough introductions, straight to the point.

One day, I didn’t go to church on Sunday because I was feeling very stressed from the previous day’s work. So Mr. A pinged me to ask how church was to which I replied “I didn’t go” and the preaching began. You should never skip church no matter what, I said “so, if I’m sick, I must still go to church?” he said “that’s understandable”. For me, religion and spirituality are two different things. If I must go to church, my body, spirit and soul must agree with the decision. This means that, if I’m hungry and food is the factor that would stop me from concentrating on the reason I went to church, I would rather stay home and cook or whatever. I don’t like been distracted in the house of God. There are days I just don’t want to go to Church, I would just stay home and read my bible, listen to songs of encouragement, whatever works. In spite of all these, my personal relationship with God might be better than that of Mr. A who never misses weekly and Sunday services and even preaches sometimes. Mr. A made it clear that my way of thinking was very funny, I can’t remember his exact words but it was very rude and it implied that I would get nowhere with God if I continued that way.
As if the one I got from Mr. A wasn’t enough, I had to skip Church again on another Sunday because I had to go to work on that Sunday. My job is a shift job that requires a lot of my Saturdays and Sundays. So I was on my way back home from work on that day when Mr. B pinged me to ask how Church was to which I replied “I didn’t go, I went to work” and he replied “O boi, your own strong o”, I said “I have no choice as long as I have this job” to which he replied “God forbid!”. I then asked “So, you would rather have no job than have a job that would allow you skip church sometimes?” he said “yes, I won’t do it”. I said “Okay, when you finish school (he’s a student) and you look for job for a while then you eventually get a job that would cause you to skip Church once in a while, don’t take it. Stay at home and be going to church, kapiche?”  He replied saying “well, people like you get wealthy on time”, to which I replied “so, I’m choosing work over God?” bla bla and I decided to let it slide.

When did we start equating God to Church? Jesus is the head of the Church says the Bible, not Jesus is the Church. Skipping one Sunday or a couple of Sundays automatically makes one a person who doesn’t love God? Don’t you love people and have to miss appointments’ with them due to uncontrollable circumstances? Don’t you make plans to do something and it just fails for reasons beyond your capacity? Amazingly, people mix up certain things, for instance, if you skip Church, someone would ask “if you had a 10million naira deal on a Sunday, would you miss it?” Does this even make sense? If you’re a child of God and have been praying concerning a huge deal and it comes on a Sunday, would you skip it? Would God even be happy with you? Isn’t it even a testimony that it can come on a Sunday?

If everyone in Nigeria decides to go to Church on a Sunday, the country might break down. A lot of people are responsible for making a lot of things work on Sundays. If those kind of people decide to go to church, do you know how many things that would go wrong in a lot of hours and how long it would take to fix them? Do you know that if rapture takes place, some of those people would go to heaven while some in Church won’t? Some people go to Church for purposes other than worshipping God, some go to observe and criticize everything in a Church while some goes to look for babes and guys? Some go to look for connections bla and bla. Let’s leave the Church topic. I’ve made my point.

It is funny how people see a guy and a girl coming out of a place together and assumes that they’ve been together doing nothing godly. Then you have guys hailing you after escorting your female guest, praising you for the sexual deeds you didn’t partake in when all you did with her was gist, watch television etc. (this doesn’t include anything sexual). But then, you owe no one any explanation because denying the allegations is even a step to inspiring more talks from those kind of people who probably think sex, talk sex, watch sex and live sex. Recently, I posted a picture of myself putting on a crop top on facebook. For those of us who do not know what a crop top looks like, it’s a top that exposes a lady’s belly because it only covers half of the body.  I had someone comment on the picture saying I should remember that my body is the temple of God and stop wearing “jumpepe” up and down.

I then said to myself that if I invite the guy to a place wearing that same outfit, and I undress in front of him offering him all of me, would he say he turn down the offer? Aren’t all our bodies the temple of God? His sister might be somewhere all covered up from head to toe and be worse than me so what are we saying? Sin is sin, right? The other day when Marley Gully side khid (I’ve forgotten his real name but he has a blog too) wrote about how parents told their kids not to greet him because he was a junkie hence someone who shouldn’t be greeted talk less of being associated with, it broke my heart. These same parents would teach their kids to tell visitors that they’re not around when they are. Where are the values? Isn’t it the same wrong we all do but in different ways?

Remember the adulterous woman and Jesus’ statement when people requested for her to be stoned? He said “Let he who is without sin be the first to cast the stone”, I was almost typing “Mr. Jailer, Mr. Jailer man”. Which one of you would say he or she hasn’t sinned before? Why then would you like to make yourself the Governor of someone’s life just because you think you’re a better person? I’m not innocent of condemning someone’s actions in the past but I wouldn’t advise anyone to live their life the way I live mine or the way I think they should live theirs except they request for my opinion. We’re different people so what works for A might not work for B. Know yourself and act as such not minding what our Panel of Judges have to say. I’d only advise that we live our life in ways that would make God proud of us. That’s the only being we should try to impress. No one else.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
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