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The Curve - Episode Four

Hey hey, I know you've been waiting for this episode but finally, the wait is over until...if you've not read any of the previous episodes, it means you have a lot of catching up to do. You can read the previous episodes by clicking on episode oneepisode two and episode three. Read the ones you missed out on and get back here as soon as possible. Having done that, let's proceed;

“You may now kiss the bride” said the Pastor, my husband looked into my eyes and said “you look beautiful” as he proceeded to put his lips on mine…next I heard was “if my love can’t be with you, who in the world can I give it to……” that was my phone ringing. Yes, I changed my ring tone from “Chandelier” by Sia to “Can’t say I never loved you” by Melanie Fiona because I think it relates more to my present situation. The ringing phone brought me back to the land of the living as I was obviously dreaming. This dream makes it the third dream I’ve had about Cole and I getting married. No, I don’t like him that much, I’m crazy over him but it’s only for the love making. I am not a perv in anyway but if Kunle can have numerous sexual partners, who am I to not have one, just one o, especially my ‘first’….i can still remember the experience, it was bliss.
It was a friday and we had planned to spend the weekend together starting from Friday evening. We spent Friday night at a popular club in town. I’m not much of a dancer but when I love someone, I could compromise and besides, I loved trying out new things. The music was too loud for a quiet person like myself but Cole was everything, he was the prince charming ladies wished for, lucky me right? I thought so too (maybe I still think so). He pulled me up occasionally to make sure I moved my body at least a little because I just stayed glued to the chair. When he didn’t pull me up, he just danced in front of me showing me his moves. We didn’t spend too much time there because I was famished and baby (me) had to eat. We went to have late dinner at a restaurant not so far from the club.

At the restaurant, we looked at the items on the menu and decided to try something new. No it wasn’t as nice as we had imagined. It looked nice but then, the statement "looks can be deceiving" doesn't only apply to humans. We had finished our horrible dinner and consoled ourselves by getting a bottle of vodka with ice cubes. That was going to be for later, the later we didn't really have a plan for. Just like me, Cole was adventurous so it worked for us, we didn't always have to plan stuff before we did them, it only made the stories more interesting and the memories crazier. So we got to the house, turned off the lights after serving our drinks of course. We sat side by side on the carpet talking about our terrible meal, other couples we saw, bla bla. At some point, my clear sentences became gibberish then Cole began to laugh at me. I got up and staggered to the bed in drunk-anger if there's anything like that, he followed me but kept laughing and laid facing me. He knew just what I wanted - attention, and he knew how to give it to me.

"I love you" he said as he kissed me passionately, he slowly took off my clothes. I was dizzy but I wouldn't forget such an unforgettable experience. He gave me the best "head" he had, maybe it felt different because I was "high" or maybe he just gave me his best that night. The words to describe how I felt that night hasn't been created so I'd let your imaginations run wild. He got to the boob department and did justice to it, did I just say justice? He did a lot more than that, he kept free styling while I just allowed myself to feel everything with the intention to repay when I was in my right state of mind. Something happened within few seconds, he 'entered' me and it was like an electric shock. We never got that far because I was never ready. As if realising what I had just realised, he paused, looked at me and said "I'm sorry" accompanied by holding me in his "I'm sorry" way. Surprisingly, I said, "i'm ready" but he said "no babe, we don't have to do this". I said "shhhh, just do it" then he started the process over again but this time with my participation. That night moved our relationship to the next level.
I didn't realize I had been smiling sheepishly and also unconscious of the activities going on around me until Kunle turned on the television set. I looked at him and asked "when did you come in?" to which he replied "while you were busy" pointing to my pubic region. That was when I realised I had my hand on my pubic region, doing whatever to it. I was surprised within myself but I didn't show it, no point anyway. "I made rice in case you're hungry", I said ignoring his previous observatiion. "Thanks but I'm not", he replied almost immediately. He was probably thinking I might poison him one of these days but I had no such plan...yet. How he found out, I'm still wondering but when he confronted me, I didn't lie about it. I even went ahead to give him details until I heard a slap on my face. I knew I shouldn't have told him all that but I was angry and I couldn't control it. How it was cool for him to cheat and it was not cool for me was funny. When he cheats, he's just being a man, but when I do, I'm worse than the devil because I didn't consider the fact that I was a married woman. On second thoughts, maybe poisoning would be a good idea but food poisoning wouldn't work except I'm planning my own death since he no longer eats what I cook. I just had to figure out the best option and I had to do it fast. No one would blame a widow if she seeks pleasure in other men, after all she wasn't tied to any, at least not physically.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
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