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The Curve - The Final Episode!!!

It's finally here, the final episode of the first OTTH series, I know you've been eager to know how it all ended so here it is. If you've not read any of the previous episodes, click here to read. You don't want to not know how we got here. Having done that, enjoy the final part of the story.

"How's he feeling now" said Cole looking at Kunle in a very concerned manner, "he's better now, what are you doing here?" Jane replied. "Checking on my best-friend of course or do I need your permission to do that?", "I'm not saying you need my permission, I'm just saying you shouldn't be here after everything", silence. "I know you did it" Jane said, "Did what?" asked Cole, "It" Jane said as she pulled him aside and continued "I don't care about what has happened in the past, I don't need your revenge, I don't need you, all I need is my husband alive", she doubted those words but it felt like the right thing to say. "Jane, it's not what you think, I made a mistake and it's not trying to kill him, it's not actually killing him", before she could respond, he continued "besides, I didn't do it for you, I did it for me".
"How?" asked Kunle who had just woken and overheard them since their voices weren't so low, they both looked towards him speechless. Silence. "Hey man, how's your head?" Cole asked breaking the silence. Jane also finding the courage to say something said "Honey, how are you feeling?" No response. "I'm fine, thank you both but what I really want to know is why you tried to kill me Cole, sleeping with my wife wasn't bad enough yeah? You wanted me dead too? What did I ever do to deserve this?" Kunle said, sounding like a "good person". Silence. "I didn't just have sex with your wife Kay, you had sex with my wife too". Kunle and Jane looked at each other at the mention of wife knowing fully well that Cole wasn't married or at least, that was what they thought.

"It happened while I was overseas, I found love or I thought I did until she met you". Silence. "She was everything I wanted so we got married but she had to come back to Nigeria since she only came on vacation and didn't intend being based in the United States as she had other things to attend to in Nigeria. She promised to come back as soon as she was done. I was going to tell you guys about it later since you both said you were planning a trip to the US, it was supposed to be a surprise but then, you surprised me first when I realised my wife had been spending more time at work because according to her, she was helping her "boss" out with other things and that boss was you. I knew she was working with you as soon as she mentioned the name of her workplace but I thought it'd be part of the surprise if I kept it from her too. Little did I know that you were sleeping with my wife.

Pause. Kunle and Jane exchange glances.

I wouldn't even have found out if I didn't call her one particular day, it was a video call and she didn't end the call because she had to open the door for someone and that someone was you. You and her began doing all sorts to each other while I watched till I couldn't take it anymore. I told myself I was going to have sex with Jane by all means as soon as I was back as payback but then, it's not even equal because you've had my wife more than I even have, I didn't know what to do, I felt with you in the picture, it was never going to be right between us, I mean Ronke and I. Ending your life was my only option, I realised my mistake after it so I was glad seeing you alive even though I still hate you. No woman is worth dying for, definitely not Ronke, I don't know about Jane though, that's for you to decide".


"I don't know what to say" Kunle began, "I know I've wronged you Jane by cheating on you, I had no right, I should have being with you, for better or for worse just like our wedding vows. I don't know what came over me, I wasn't thinking or let me say I wasn't thinking with my head" he held her hand while he spoke, "I'm sorry about everything, I shouldn't have gone that far, I promise you that this wouldn't repeat itself. As soon as I'm out of here, we would plan a trip outside the country away from this tension and everything else that has been happening and I'm also going to fire Ronke right away". He tries to pick his phone but Jane stops him while Cole looks expression-less. He continue "Cole, I'm sorry for sleeping with your wife, if I had known, I wouldn't have, I didn't mean for all these to happen. I'm sorry man, I've forgotten everything that happened between you and Jane and I believe it won't happen again" Jane nods in agreement. "I'm really sorry about everything Cole and Jane, I love you both and I don't want us to be apart". Kunle looks at Jane, "Babe, do you have anything to say?"


She was going to talk about how sorry she was, how she regretted her decisions, how she also planned to kill him but she decided against it, the atmosphere was tense enough and she didn't intend making it worse, she mentally planned making it up to Kunle in private. "Errrr, I'm having a baby boy" she said smiling hoping everyone would smile too, surprisingly it worked. "We were going to tell you later but I guess the right time is now" said Kunle. "Are you sure the baby is...." Cole said but was interrupted quickly by Kunle who said "Yes it's mine, it happened before you came back", "I was asking if you were sure it's a baby boy" Cole said and they all laughed.

"Ehen Ronke, how did you know the guy who hit me with the gun?"

*closes curtain*

I know I just closed the curtain but I need to acknowledge the contribution of certain people towards this series before I can finally end this. I'd like to thank Jefferson Ozorh specially for writing the third episode of this series at a time when I had no inspiration, the episode he wrote inspired me to continue, Thank you Jeff. I would also like to thank Dami aka Westkhid for "gingering" me to keep writing, Thank you Dami. I would also like to thank Amaka who already got tired of the suspense and advised me to "kill them all" if I liked but I decided not to kill them, lol, thank you bae. I would also like to thank Paul Newton for following the story closely and providing feedback at every point, it made me just want to continue, thanks dear. Finally, I would like to thank everyone else who read every bit of the story regardless of how sfjfghsfdjfghg it was, thank youuuuuu. I love you all. We hope to write something "doper" in the nearest future. God bless you.

*locks curtain with padlock*

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
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