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How I Discovered I Was A Runz Girl

Looking out the window, thinking really deep about all that is going on right, I bet you thought I was going to write about something deep, yeah me too. I was supposed to post something else today but it's still being worked on so I thought, why not share a throwback story then we deliberated on it and decided it was the best thing to do so here we are. I'm going to be gisting us about how I discovered I was a runz girl at a time I least expected it, lol. You know how you don't know what you are until someone tells you and you're like, "oh really, I didn't know, thank you very much for taking the pain to let me know". That was what happened that fateful saturday morning. The gist begins....

I don't understand some people. Different people, different school of thoughts or should I just say different folks, different strokes because I don't know how you'd see someone sitting alone at a open place and believe she's there waiting for a guy ('customer' material not someone specific). Okay, it was 5 am which means it was five o'clock in the morning. I'm emphasising on the time because of the event that took place. Okay, so I was at a popular bus-stop at few minutes past five in the morning waiting for my staff bus. I left home by five and it took me less than ten minutes to get to that bustop. I was wearing a dress that I wouldn't describe as short though it was below my knee but I'm smallish so it wasn't actually short. It was a black dress and I wore a jean jacket on it with a jean tennis #teamjean. I sat on my regular stone going through my phone with 70 percent of my mind on the road in front of me and the rest of the 30 percent on the phone itself. You know how someone can just come out from nowhere and snatch another person's phone especially in Lagos so I was being very careful for fear of losing my 'baby'(what I call my phone sometimes) so soon.
While I sat there, one guy walked up to me asking "how was the club last night?" I looked left, right, front and back to be sure he was referring to me. As if he knew my mind, he re-phrased "I hope you enjoyed the club last night", "ohh" was all I could utter as I carried my bag and left that spot for another. I couldn't go too far so I wouldn't lose sight of the bus and end up going to work on my own for no concrete reason so he could see me where I was. He came to meet me and said "I didn't mean to embarrass you but the truth is that I would like to take you home". That was when I knew I was a prostitute, lol. I ignored him but he kept talking still about how he would like to take me home still then I knew he was serious. I thought about it and decided to have some fun so I called my Boss to say something came up and I wouldn't be present at work that day so she said okay then I followed him home. No, you didn't believe that, did you?

Let me I thought about it and told the guy that "no runz girl in her right sense would come stand at the bustop at 5am, it's not a good time to get customers" (like I was a pro), he didn't say anything so I kept talking "I don't do such and I believe you can find what you're looking for at clubs and bars, you can browse the internet to get their addresses if you don't know where they are". He looked on and said "but I like you and I would love you to go home with me". Silence. That's my ringtone, I don't have a ringtone so I saw my screen showing that I had a call. It was one of my colleagues who usually join my staff bus or an alternate one, she wanted to know if I was at the bustop so I said I was then she said she was coming. I was delighted at the news then I also decided to call one of my colleagues, infact two to gist a bit about the floor we would be working and all. I was looking at him closely though so he wouldn't just snatch my bag and run. When I was done, my nigga began to rethink and then asked "what's your name?" to which I replied, I can't tell you, he began to plead and I told him "I'm not telling you so stop disturbing yourself". He then said "I beg you in the name of God or does God not mean anything to you?" the statement inspired some form of anger in me so I replied "so you come here by this time of the day to ask me how the club was, how you want to take me home when other people are either in their houses sleeping or doing something productive or on their way to work, you now have the guts to mention having respect for God? Please, just go" to which he replied "you don't have to be rude or harsh"

My colleague came but she didn't intend joining my bus so we chatted a bit then she left. At the time she came, he took a bike and left which made me extremely happy but surprisingly when she left, he came back again. I was back to my stone when he came still pleading with me to tell him my name but I refused then he said "even if you won't tell me your name, please tell me what you do for a living" to which I replied "I sleep with men for money", he then said "Oh stop it", I said "no, it's the truth or doesn't it fit your description anymore" that was my last statement to him before my bus arrived so I left. I thought about it while in the bus, like how can you be so dumb, dumb enough to do something like that and think it'll work. Well, maybe he's been doing it and it's been working but I don't consider it a nice approach. It's a very senseless one as far as I'm concerned.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
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