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It's painful to lose people we do not know personally, how much more people we know. People die, we all will someday whether we like it or not but then it's surprising that some people take their own lives when they were still going to die anyway. We watch it in movies, we hear about it and read about it every time. Its saddening in every form. Remember the bollywood movie three idiots, where Joy Lobo, the engineering student committed suicide due to frustration as a result of his unapproved project by his very hard-to-please professor and that's just one in a thousand cases. A lot of people commit suicide for a lot of reasons ranging from rejection to frustration, terrorism, debt, inferiority complex, feelings of emptiness, even sickness and so forth. The list is endless.

Last week, I read a story about an 18 year old who committed suicide because he felt his parents were giving more attention to his sister's academic performance than his which wasn't as good. You might hear something like that and be of the opinion that it doesn't make sense for one to commit suicide for such reason but then people are different, a lot of people think deep and even think to the extreme. That's why someone would commit suicide because they've been jilted and you'll be wondering "who does that?" but people do, a lot of people can't handle hurt the way it's been handled generally, rather than cry or drink themselves to stupor, they'd rather die forgetting that when there's life, there's hope hence no one is worth committing suicide for. Its sad, really sad. Some people have given up on their medical conditions and decided that taking their life is the next thing to do, to end their pain. It's really hard staying alive in pains especially when there seems to be no improvement, it could make one pray for death or even consider bringing it upon oneself. The truth is that if you're still breathing, you still have life and if you still have life, live it!. Anyhow you know how to, find a way to live it.
Some people seem to have it all, the money, the fame, the comfort etc. And then you wake up one morning to hear that they're dead not because they were killed but but because they took their own lives and it makes you wonder why? You feel they have everything they want so why could they possibly want to take their own life but then material possessions are only what they are - material possessions. They do not define true happiness, they only bring about comfort. How about the 25 year old guy who parked his car and jumped in the canal last week in somewhere in Lagos? What could have gone wrong? A lot of people attributed it to jazz, debt, and many other things you can't imagine. Sadly, a lot of people have things that other people are praying hard for, things that give them an edge over others then they're dead suddenly not by accident but on purpose and makes everyone wonder what was missing. We can never wonder enough and that's the truth. A lot of people leave clueless, no suicide note, no hint, nothing.

How bad could it be? That's the next question that pops in my head. Really, how bad could it be? Are you saying you've never really enjoyed living that you're in so much hurry to die? Are you saying that the challenges you face in life is greater than your desire to live? How about just crying and getting drunk when life issues seem to want to drown you?  How about saying a short prayer to the one who created you? The one who's responsible for your well-being, happiness etc, or you don't believe there's one either? Even if you don't, just pray, anyhow you know how to. If the thought of suicide ever comes to your mind, discard the thought with immediate effect, watch a movie, make a new dish, listen to music, go to the gym, take a drink, dance, hangout with friends, go shopping, travel, meet new people, I could go on and on but there are a million and one things you can do to be happy. Whatever makes you happy, just do it (as long as its not suicide) and try as much as possible to make sure it's something positive. We all have our moments but believe me, that challenge you're having isn't worth dying for, the challenge would come and go but you will still be there for you. Your challenges are only temporary and you should treat it as such. You should also avoid being alone if you keep feeling suicide is the answer, get yourself some distractions, anything to keep you alive. The world needs you whether you know it or not, let that keep you alive and sane. Control your thoughts because "as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is" according to the Bible. Everything you've ever done, presently doing and will do started from your thoughts so try as much as possible to stop having negative thoughts because whether consciously or unconsciously, they would translate into actions. When there is life, there is hope. Live, Laugh, Love.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
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