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Five Top Reasons Some Girls Go Into Campus Runs; My Experience

This is another post I got while surfing the internet, nairaland to be precise. The words in it are nothing but the truth according to my personal experience and I thought why not? By all means, enjoy!

A topic about 17 female students of Unilag alleged to be missing after a supposedly house party in Lekki graced the front page yesterday. For all its worth, it might just be a fabrication beuse (as at the time of posting this) no one else has come out to corroborate the story. But we do pray for their safe return if true.

Well, from my personal (University) experience I'll like to share five top reasons why girls go into campus prostitution otherwise known as "Runs, Runz, Aristo etc.

Having attended one of the top private universities and being really close with some "Runs girls", my points would likely sound strange and different from the every day "excuses" people give to encourage or justify the oldest trade known to man in our citadels of learning. Yes, you read right, girls in private universities engage in this act too. And are more often better paid too, no joke.


A point I've learnt in life is the fact that children will always (and definitely grow up to) make their own decisions in life. And most times, the decisions made are not a reflection of the home they come from. That's why we hear negatives about kids from supposedly respectable and Godly parents/homes. So before you start blaming the parents, ask yourself whether they actually did their job but their kid/ward deliberately chose to be wayward.

So no matter what your excuse for Runs is, it boils down to the fact that a conscious decision was made to go into it. Some other girls have faced worse situations, but yet decided to look for a honorable path out.


Greed here is when you don't have before and suddenly start craving more after getting a little. Satanic greed here is when you have all that you need, but painfully become desirous and envious of another's possessions. The excuse of coming from poor homes and hence cannot afford to take care of themselves does not hold in these cases.

Girls in this category feel out-shining each other is a war (not just battle) that must be won at all cost. Their parents can literally provide all they need. But because of the frivolous nature of these "wants" and probably due to the disciplined nature of their parents (who query every penny spent), they resort to helping themselves.

3. HIGH HANDED PARENTS (Omo "Get insides")

Discipline is good, but just like everything else, too much of it is bad. I call girls (and boys) in this category "Omo get inside". These are the type of kids whose parents are so strict that upon sighting them standing outside their (prison style) gated house, would quickly rebuke them shouting "Get inside the compound now".

Back in secondary school, a driver drops them off at school, waits until closing hours to take them back home. They don't know the name of the street next to theirs and their social life is equal or close to zero. Most in this category lose their virginity to one domestic staff or close relative (topic for another day).

Now once in the university (freedom at last), it usually takes a little or no effort from friends in breaking the shell subconsciously built around themselves due to fear of their parents. They club the most, drink the most and have more casual sex because once the holiday begins, it's back to prison. They usually don't even need the money that comes with the act. They are just having fun or at worst "catching up with life".


Girls in these categories started off as just wanting to experiment how it felt to meet a total stranger, have casual sex, wake up the next day and forget his name. While some other just have it as a fetish, a kink or an item in their bucket list. Lists like: Things to do before I leave campus. Or things to do before I get married. On that list, you'll see "I want to have bomb sex", "I want to have two guys take me" etc.

Unlike the 90's, 80's and below, girls from the last decade are very much now assertive. Hence they've dropped all stereotypes of ladies being frigid while now exploring their sexuality.

But the problem here becomes the fact that after doing it once, twice or thrice, they become hooked to the lifestyle. And just like a drug, they go out of their way to get their fix. Some in this category also don't need the money.


Please permit me to use the lyrics of a song by Cyndi Lauper as explanation for this point

Girls Just Want To Have Fun"

"I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right
Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
And girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun
The phone rings in the middle of the night
My father yells what you gonna do with your life
Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one
But girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Girls - they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun
Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Girls - they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun,
They want to have fun,
They want to have fun... "

Believe it or not, a good number of girls engaging in Campus prostitution are just having the fun of their lives and there's nothing anyone, situation or fate that befell some other girls can do about it until they call it quits themselves. These group are usually highly selective of the "events" they attend.

So there you have it, five reasons why some girls go into campus prostitution.

Bonus tip and short story

A guy once approached one of my friends for a relationship. He kept disturbing the girl and she just didn't have his time. But one day she decided to just put him off and told him, "Guy, I be runs girl. No be say tomorrow you go say make I no pick calls again"

Embarrassed, the guy left her without saying anything and we thought that was the end. But he met her alone another day and said he was certain she just said that to put him off. Claiming he had studied her very well and asked about her and she came out clean. This was her turning point Today they are both married with children.

Now my bonus point is that a good percentage of the real ("baddest" Runs girls have mastered the act of deception that it would be difficult for you to ever find out if they don't open up to you. These set of girls still care about their reputation, bearing in mind the idea of a possible scandal in future etc. making them to be a secretive as a Russian spy.

This type are never flashy or move in a group. One man squad things. They are the real "big girls" not all the noise makers showing off everywhere. Even upon graduation, they have regular paying jobs. And neither job or marriage stops them. Fear these ones more. Dem get mind.

What do you say guys?

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2BC07AB1


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