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My End Of The Year Note

Dear OTTH readers, how are we? I’m extremely fine and excited maybe because I can perceive 2017 already, it smells like suya garnished with tomatoes, cabbage, onions and cucumber. So I’m going to officially wish us a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I do really wish that we can do this again next year but why not really? If Jesus tarries though.

This year wasn’t so bad for me because I can’t say there were no bad times but I have a lot to be thankful for this year and I’m going to share some with us. For the sad part, we lost two legends, OJB Jezreel and Nomoreloss. Their deaths seemed personal to me, why should it not? I loved those men. May their souls rest in perfect peace.

Now to the positives, my connections this year have grown larger and better, thanks to those who made it happen (Babalakun Femi, Uncle K among others). My knowledge has greatly increased (I wish ba?). It only gets better yeah? With God on the side of my family and I, the economic recession has got nothing on us. We’re surviving still and that’s a testimony. A lot of my friends are also doing very amazing stuff and I’m grateful to be found in the association of high achievers. One thing that has been constant this year has been progress no matter how little.

Bisi and I, August 26th (my birthday) at one partyyy, my smile though #blushing, did you see that dimple?
I’ve also been privileged to write for some magazines and websites this year which is a plus to my writing portfolio (if there’s anything as such) and life in general. I’ve also been privileged to learn at the feet of geniuses as a result of certain programs I attended, stuff that I wouldn’t have gotten from the internet, I couldn’t be more awed. I’ve also met a lot of amazing people this year, though I didn’t necessarily pursue friendship and I find myself saying ‘what’s wrong with you Aanu?’ but no regrets still, I blame my temperament.

I wouldn’t have had a good year without the huge support of my friends and family. Its not everyday you get to be in a family as cool as mine, my siblings are the bomb (do people still use that word?) and I can’t overemphasize their impact on my life even if its just to keep me from being bored and being partners with me to try some very stupid experiments.I’ve lost friends this year too and not to death, I just feel the friendship errr…drifting and sadly, I can’t do anything about it but its very understandable, people grow up, get busy, upgrade and stuff and I can’t even admit to be the easiest person to deal with so we’re good.

I still have the best friends in the world really and I’m not exaggerating this time (I’ll keep this for the next paragraph). One of my greatest reasons for being happy is you, yes you who is reading this. I’m sure you’d read some of my articles and wonder if I have any sense but you still read the one after that and the one after the one after  that and so on. I don’t know what I did to deserve the kind of attention I get from you but I’m very honored, grateful and I promise not to disappoint, so help me God. Most of you have endured my broadcast messages (which some people even re-broadcast and retweet for me) for a very long time and some even chat me up sometimes to complain that I never say hi, I only send BCS after which I apologize and promise to change. I publicly apologize now, I’m sorry and I’m very grateful for your endurance of my selfish disturbance as it may seem. I love you big-time *puppy eyes* (I hope it worked, lol).
Amaka and I on the 26th August (my birthday) before we went to the partyy,I don't understand my smile too
Now to my friends, I could dedicate an entire article to each of them and it still won’t be enough to express my gratitude and appreciation. A lot of my friends have been there for me in years past, even now and I’m pretty sure they’ll be present again next year. So you might end up seeing names you’ve seen before but please don’t get tired because I’m not going to take our friendship for granted by not taking a second to say thank you for all your support, love and stupidity. Yes, I have the sickest set of friends and also very intelligent too. They get on my nerves almost as much as I get on theirs, well, except Wale, he annoys me for a living.

So I’m going to start with my female best-friend Abisiadura Oketa Rhoda, I wonder why I’m friends with that girl sometimes when she displays her weirdness but she’s the sister I never had, the water in my bottle water, the yoke in my boiled egg. She doesn’t ever get tired of my whining, I love her to the bones. She’s one of the most annoying people in my life but it only makes it more interesting. I love you baby in case you read this (because she’s hardly online, yes, I’m tired too). Thank you for being an amazing part of me again and again and again.

Olawale Olorunlambe is the next person I’d talk about. If I could, I’d make Wale my best man (it’s supposed to be chief bridesmaid) on my wedding day, that’s how ‘bad’ we are and he doesn’t even know it. Like I mentioned earlier, Wale annoys me so much you’d think his life depended on it but I’m stuck with him still (I’m sure he’d say same about me). He’s one of the most supportive friends, mentally and emotionally but financially? If I hear! He remembers everything and tries to find a solution to challenges. He’s always there for me 98% percent of the time; the other 2% is for kjhgkjfhkj. I love you Wale Enemy (I won’t remove the enemy from your name in 2017, don’t even think it). Thank you for being a great part of my year.

China and I #busfie on our disney day enroute work
Another very amazing person in my life is Adedayo Ajala, the male best friend I’ve not met. He’s so supportive, even financially when the wallet is willing. Dayo is always there for me, gives advice logically and without sentiments. Very sensitive, knows when I’m not in the mood and tries to bring me out of my moodiness. I’m so emotional now. He annoys me too but he knows the time for everything. He always cares to know every little detail and shares everything too. The funniest part is, we’ve not even met but we’re this dope. I love you Dayo and thank you for everything.

I’m very fortunate to have Amaka Obasi, very annoying female but I love her regardless. I call her my ride or die bae because that’s what she is. She’s always willing to go to war for me, kill anyone for me if possible, Wale beware! I didn’t know we were going to come this far with all the issues we had in the past but some people just know how to stay in your life. I love you baby.

One of the people who made my year is Olanrewaju Oso. He’s been there for me regardless of how much I want to be left alone. He likes to share my burden. He’s my friend, personal assistant and many other things. He’s one of the blessings of 2016 I got. He’s a sweetheart to the core. Very annoying too but almost everyone in my life is annoying so that’s kind of normal already. I love you baby, let’s do this again in 2017.
Lanre Oso and I at his sister's wedding sometime in august, I love this pic *eyes rolling*
Another amazing friend I have is Destiny Emiantor, one of those friends that’d make you look forward to work every day. She’s the elder sister I never had. I don’t even know how to explain our connection without being emotional. I love you very much. Thank you for being my friend even though you’re older. Thank you for being part of my year.

Chinagozim Nwaneto is the elder sister God sent to me.  She’s my bus partner, colleague and many other things. I don’t know what I’d have done without her. Even the tiniest things wouldn’t have been done without her advice. She’s one of the people who won’t hide their success story from you. They don’t mind you overtaking them; it’s their joy in fact. I feel so privileged to be able to have you call me friend. I love you. Thank you for making my year.

My top readers this year or let me say the ones who gave the highest amount of feedback either through their comments on my blog or by messaging me personally are Olanrewaju Banwo, Westkhid and Newton Paul among others. Thank you for taking so much time to provide feedback regardless of your busy schedule. God bless you.

Destiny and I #mickeymousing on our disney day at work, that Destiny's top though, don't know why I haven't stolen it

I’m sorry if I didn’t mention your name, I really appreciate you for clicking on my link, commenting, re-tweeting, sharing my posts, recommending me, and a lot other things. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for enduring my disturbances, for accommodating me. It’s a privilege to have you in my life, really. I’m so awed and honored at the same time *dries tear* I really want to do this again with you next year, all of you.

I’m sorry this is a long post but I promise I’d stop here. As a thank you, we’re going to have a fastest fingers contest by 1am (I’m sorry I’m a night crawler) and 1pm (for the sake of the day crawlers, lol) on the 31st. We’re doubling what we did last year so if you didn’t win last year, this is another opportunity.

See you on the 31st and hey, happy New Year in advance, it’ll be a greater, more fulfilling year for us by God’s grace.

Odusola Aanuoluwapo.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Instagram - @i_am_phleg
Twitter - @odusolar
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