has to face some sort of rejection at some point in their lives. It might be
from that guy or girl you like who doesn’t like you the same way or from that
job interview you thought you nailed but later figured out you didn’t or from
your prayers which seem unanswered, the list is endless really so no need going
into details. As a person who has faced rejection myself in a lot of ways,
there are some steps I can recommend for you to get over that feeling of
rejection. They are;
Realize that it’s normal;
you got everything you want in life the first time you tried to get it, the
world will be no fun. Our struggles make it all worth it; it makes us stronger
and even becomes stories for us to tell to encourage others with. It’s perfectly
normal for you to get a rainy day when you’d rather have a sunny day. Once you
realize that it’s not an abnormal thing, you’re halfway there.
You are not alone;
might seem like you’re the only one experiencing what you are but you shouldn’t
feel this way because there are millions of people in the world feeling the
same way or even worse so man/woman up and think up new approaches to achieving
what you want.
Talk to someone;
problem shared is half solved might probably sound cliché but when shared with
the right person, a problem is half solved. Talk to someone you trust, you
might not need their advice but letting it out is good for your soul and a good
listening ear always comes in handy.
Make lemonade from your
than feel rejected, think up other ways or new approaches to getting what you
want or finding other options in case one doesn’t work out. This way, you will
always have a back-up plan in case one doesn’t work out.
Be positive;
positive might be very hard in times like this but you really need to try to
be. It will reduce the effect of the feeling of rejection whenever it comes and
eventually get you out of it.
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