CNN isn’t one of my favourite channels; I don’t even watch it
for a minute willingly which is quite strange for someone like me who studied
international relations. And it’s not just CNN, it’s the news in general, I
still don’t understand why I don’t like watching the news when I’m supposed to
embrace it if I want to excel in my career…to an extent. Long story short, I
was forced to watch CNN on a certain day because I was at a reception for hours
and CNN was my only option since I was already tired of refreshing my twitter
and Instagram timeline.
On that day, I fell in love with CNN, errr kinda. Something
caught my attention and I didn’t want to shut up about it. What does freedom
mean to you? The question came up on the screen and different people wore a
shirt with the question printed on it or held up a sheet displaying the
question and went ahead to talk about what freedom meant to them. Some of the
responses got me thinking.
I remember someone saying freedom to him means a time when
kids can be kids, someone else said freedom to her means everyone becoming
educated. So I thought to myself, what does freedom mean to me? Freedom to me
means being able to walk around Oshodi without fear of your phone being
snatched, it means being able to wear the camou (the soldiers’ outfit, can’t
remember what it’s called) as a civilian anywhere else apart from music videos
without fear of being beaten up or harassed.
It means having quality education without breaking the bank,
getting jobs without connections, going on vacation when you like to wherever
you like, having majority of our decision makers being youths, having stable electricity (24 hours light isn't too much to ask for yeah?), pursuing your dreams without thinking about if it’s the most recognized, the list is endless. I’m also looking forward to a time when we
will truly have freedom of speech because we obviously don’t. You can say what
you want as long as it doesn’t offend someone who can throw you in jail for it.
We will be truly free then.
When you think of freedom, what comes to your mind? I think we’ve
gotten past the stage where it just means sleeping and waking up whenever you
like, or being able to afford anything you like, that too means something but
then, it’s an individual thing so I’m asking, what does freedom mean to you?
Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Instagram - @i_am_phleg
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2BC07AB1
Instagram - @i_am_phleg
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2BC07AB1