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End Of The Year 2017 Note

This year has been super amazing in good and bad ways. I’m grateful for everything that has happened this year. The friends I lost, the ones I made, the experiences I’ve had and one million other things I can’t even recount. I slowed down on my writing for a course because it’s hard to combine it with work. This year, I changed jobs and location too which I’m really grateful for. Allow me to share with you the lessons I’ve learned this year and talk about those who made my year. 

Lessons learnt;
Death is inevitable; It’s funny how we plan our day and life and eventually end up dead while achieving them or while planning even. It’s one thing we never see coming because no one wants it early but it happens a lot. That’s why it’s important to live your life in ways that you really want and also ways that glorify God. Be productive, tell people you love them, laugh, forgive, have fun, compliment others because you just might not get another chance.

Work is work: in a workplace, there might be some people who are approachable, friendly and all but just wait for one big mistake to happen. You’ll realise that it’s all part of being in the same organization and you’re on your own. My point, don’t get too comfortable at work to the extent of not doing the right thing so you won’t get to see how professional those jovial people can get with you.

Your giving will never be enough: if you give out your eyes, there’s someone who’ll need your ears and see you as wicked for not giving it out not minding the fact that you already gave out your eyes. This is why I don’t subscribe to the idea of giving to impress. Give when necessary not for the sake of giving because there’ll always be one person who wants to take from you so don’t kill yourself.

God is God whether you like it or not: sometimes, you think about the possibility of certain things considered impossible and it turns possible (I’m not even sure this explains what I’m trying to say). That can only be God if you ask me so whether you know it, feel it, admit it or not, God is God and I can only pray that he manifests himself in your life in ways you never envisaged.

Those who made my year;
There are certain people who has been there for me back to back, year in and year out and I couldn’t be more grateful for having such wonderful people in my life. You see, I don’t have a lot of friends but each of my friends is worth more than ten random people to me. There are some new people in my life as well who are also tons of amazing and I can’t help but make a list of them. This is a very emotional section for me so pardon me if it’s lengthy.

Adedayo Ajala; he is my male best friend who has always been there for me. I can’t remember how long we’ve been friends for but all I know is that it started from twitter; I replied that dm and got myself the best best friend anyone could ever ask for. Dayo and I never met physically until a few days ago but you wouldn’t even know because we’ve gone too deep and seeing didn’t even matter anymore. He senses whatever mood I’m in before anyone else and always listens to my venting, allows me to take it out on him even and ends up giving me a million dollar advice. I’m grateful for social media else I don’t know how I’d have met you in your faraway country. I know I say it a lot but I’ll say it again, I love you so much. Thank you for being here for me.

Oketa Abisiadura; left to me I’d have broken up with this babe many years ago but she won’t let me go. Lol, just kidding. She’s my best female friend who is very amazing and annoying; she also doubles as my sister from another mother and triples as the mother of my child (my goddaughter). It’s been seven years of our dramatic and interesting friendship. Fight after fight, we come out stronger. You know I love you so much though you won’t arrange room for somebody or provide breakfast in bed. I love you bigtime and you know this, thank you for being an amazing friend to me despite everything we’ve been through. I pray that we get to the top as soon as possible and finally accomplish those chilling plans we’ve always had.

Olawale Olorunlambe; this is officially the most annoying person in my life which is why I can’t even skip. Twitter brought us together too (I can reply dm shaa) and I’m more than grateful for meeting this annoying personality. Believe me when I say he’s more annoying than amazing and guess what? I love him to bits. If all your friends are sane in the cliché way, I don’t think your life will be any fun. Wale, I love you so much and I know you don’t even have enough sense to say it back but issokay, I’ll pray God gives you more sense in the new year. Thank you for being a part of my life. I’m glad I met you since God knows how long.

Simon Bodam; there was a point in my life when this was the only guy I could lend my life to if he asks, that’s the extent of our friendship. I don’t have to talk before Simon understands. He understands me beyond what we share, he’s a sweetheart to the core and I can never forget how he stood by me when I didn’t seem to have anyone else. You’ve been all shades of amazing and I won’t just forget it all because I have some other amazing people. In my heart, you top the list of the amazing-ness. I love you so much Simonchukwu. I can’t wait for you to make it big so I’ll start thinking of ways to scam you. God bless you bigtime.

Olanrewaju Oso; the official bae who I’m authorised to take out every emotion on. This is someone I also met through twitter (babes, reply your dms biko). We started as friends and grew closer; sometimes I wonder what I would have done without you. You’re very annoying to the point where I feel like shooting you small as a warning not to annoy me anymore but I can’t write police report plus I don’t even have a gun. You’ve been my personal assistant, financial adviser, friend, provider (especially when my scamming works), biggest fan and supporter of my dreams. I know I can be crayyy sometimes but you’ll just be looking like please don’t start but that’s exactly when I start. I love you more than I say and show, I pray we get better and finally start exhibiting those plans we have plus I can scam you big then. Thank you for being here even when I don’t want you, you’re awesome and I want you to stay awesome.

Mosebolatan Salami; this one is always switching between being a Christian and a Muslim but thank God she’s finally a Christian. I know I don’t check on you as I should, I don’t even check on anyone as I should sef but you’re still here anyway. I like how you have faith in me and I like how you think I have plenty money. Bola can wake up and say, ‘’Anu how far, let’s go to south Africa this weekend’’ and I’m like ‘’Toh, shebi its 20k thatll carry us there’’. Bola always tells me about opportunities I can take advantage of and how to get better together. I can’t wait for us to make it so we can ball the way we want. I love you b, you’re very amazing. God bless you.

Chinagozim, Bammy Carter, Westkhid, Olanrewaju Banwo, Paul Newton, Magnus Okeke and a few more people I can’t seem to remember right now. Westkhid can chat me up like ‘’you’ve not written anything lately, why?’’ and to think that I also met him through twitter, he’s too amazing. Chinagozim cares about my life a lot especially spiritually we all need these kind of people, thank you mummy, I love you. Olanrewaju always comments on almost every post, he’s like my biggest fan, I’m grateful that we’re still cool after everything. Paul Newton is like my writing mentor lowkey, always telling me to be more active, introducing me to other amazing writer and a lot other thing. God bless you for me. Bammy Carter is quite useless in the writing department but he’s awesome (a little). Magnus is goals for me and he doesn’t even know that yet. He’s living the dream and I’m watching so I can learn a lot even if I don’t ask directly, stay awesome really for people like me. You guys encourage me in ways you don’t even know and I’m than grateful that even with my inconsistency, you’re here for me. I pray God bless you guys beyond your imaginations.

To my readers, you guys rock. You’ve been there for me with or without my writing. I’m grateful for having you guys because I won’t have a blog without you. I’m so honoured to have you read anything I write at all. I love you. God bless you.

Things I want to improve on in the next year;
  Reply dms fast 
       Write more
        Chill more
  Scam my friends 
       Keep in touch more with y’all
  Better time management
       Achieve more

I apologize for any wrong I’ve done to anyone directly and indirectly, I get better daily and I’m grateful for every opportunity that presents itself especially those that inspire me to be a better person. I love you guys and I assure you that I’ll be more active in the next year. There will be no giveaways this year as the arrangement wasn’t made due to gjhjhjfjhjl but next year, I hope to do something dope. So help me God. Thank you guys again for an awesome year, see you in the New Year on an elevated level.

Happy end of year, may God keep us long enough to fulfill the purpose of our existence.

Happy new year.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Instagram - @i_am_phleg
Twitter - @odusolar


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