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Love Gone

He reached for her,
She turned her back,
He tried harder,
She walked away.
That's when he realised,
He had lost her.
With his head in his palm,
He kept thinking about it.
As he pondered on,
He remembered the first time they met....
On the 57th Street,
They bumped into each other,
That's when he decided to ask her for directions as he was quite lost.
While speaking to her,
He looked into her eyes and saw how beautiful they were,
Sparking like a torch in the dark,
Illuminating everywhere,
He couldn't even hear the words she was saying,
He just kept staring at her beautiful face especially the eyes,
Her slight tap on his hand jolted him back to reality and then, he was convinced that she was "the one"
Two years and counting,
It's been the best time of his life,
Her care, love and understanding was next to none,
She was charming beyond words,
Her playfulness was like that of a child who had no worries.
They were so happy until...
How in God's name could he have let it happen, he thought...
He finally allowed his drinking create a problem for him,
He let himself fall under the seduction of her flirtatious sister,
And now, she had seen them,
She looked at him with disdain and disgust, her sister she can handle later,
He explained everything,
She said she understood with a fake smile,
And she tried as much as possible to act normal,
But it was never the same after that.
The spark in her eyes were gone.
He hardly saw her smile,
He keeps apologizing even though it's been a year since the incident,
And she keeps reassuring him that she's not vexed anymore,
But he wants her back.
Her old self,
The smile,
The laugh,
The way she cavorts with joy and cheerfulness whenever she's around him,
The romantic side of her,
He misses all of that,
He wants it all back,
But she's gone.
Even though she's still with him.
She's gone.

Facebook - Odusola Aanuoluwapo
Twitter - @odusolar
BBM - 2ACA8612


Anonymous said…
Wale said…
And it hurts, but even though we hate to admit its gone wr know deep down it is, and nothing hurts more than missing the "good times "
Paul Newton said…
Her weak smile will forever crack his soul for messing up. That's why sometimes its good we think ahead and prepare before it takes us unaware. The dude bought his own downfall though. You Dont cheat with family...NEVER!!!!!:
Some guys don't know that, kudos to the guys who can control themselves no matter how tempted they are.
Exactly. What's left unsaid says it all.

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